Plan, Prepare, and Practice

Are you ready to land off airport?

Three Day Wilderness Medicine and Survival Seminar

June 26-28, 2025

The Details

  • Instructors

    Attendance is capped at 15 students to ensure a great, hands on experience for every student. Jon and Joe will bring in other industry leaders to teach.

  • Learning

    This is a hands on course. Don’t expect a power point. Expect to walk away with Wilderness First Aid and hemorrhage control certifications. Expect to gain knowledge in survival tactics to help you and your passengers in the event you make an off airport landing.

  • Location

    2025’s course will be held at Root Ranch, a private guest ranch in the Middle Fork wilderness area. The airstrip lies at 5580’ elevation and is 2600ft long, so this year’s course requires an airplane, and experience, to attend.

  • Accommodation

    Bring a plane, a tent, or nothing. After all, aren’t we teaching you to survive an unexpected night out? However, if you want to splurge a cabin can be arranged for extra costs.

Register to attend

If you’d like to learn more or if you’d like to sign up to attend the seminar, please send us a message. We will send you more details about course content, times, registration form, etc. by email.

Once a course is full then we will add you to the wait list for future course dates.

Want your own course for your company or flying club? Contact us.

Thanks for your interest!


“Russ, Jon and Joe gave us a weekend packed with survival skills and information. Anyone who flies in the backcountry needs this course.”

“A must for back-country aviators. Terrific confidence builder! Prevention is important but if things go wrong, this course will give you vital hands-on training needed to help yourself and others through a severe medical or survival emergency.”

“The depth of knowledge of the instructors was incredible and you all knew how to teach the subject matter. The scenario discussions were my favorite, actually applying and testing our knowledge.”